Parlem Ventures


Parlem Telecom

Ignasi Tribó

He currently leads the Corporate and M&A areas at Parlem Telecom, as well as participating in strategy, funding rounds, relations with the stock exchange and the Advisory Board. He also mentors entrepreneurship projects at IESE and IQS and is a Business Angel and co-founder of various start-ups.

Manolo Ginart

With 24 years of experience in telecommunications operators in the areas of Network Operation and Maintenance, Fixed and Mobile Network Deployment, and PM in Special Projects. At Parlem, he leads the deployment of the company’s own network, the technological integration of M&A operations and the operator’s Network Operations.

Ernest Pérez

He has worked for 20 years in various positions at EMEA level for European and American technology companies with responsibilities for territorial management or corporate division. As an entrepreneur, he has set up several technology companies, including Parlem Telecom.

Gemma Martínez

More than 15 years of experience in the world of people management in technology companies and used to working in the internationalisation of companies both in Europe and Latin America.

Jaume Llobet

Jaume Llobet

Professional de solvència contrastada en diversos entorns empresarials ( Dow 500 empreses cotitzades a borsa com BI, fons de capital risc com DBA o start-ups). La seva experiència en diferents àmbits i la seva proximitat al negoci aporta una Direcció Financera estratègica, propera al inversor i capaç d’adapatar-se al ritme de creixement i necessitats del projecte.


Aniol Brosa

Aniol Brosa

CEO i Fundador de 3 startups. És expert en creixement i finançament de startups. MBA a Cambridge.

Roger Piqué

With experience in IPOs, he manages more than 400 million euros through different investment vehicles and verticals aimed at technology companies, especially in the early stages.

Santiago de Arquer

With 3 years of experience in Venture Capital, he leads the management service area of third-party acceleration programmes.

Cambra Barcelona

Jordi Pomarol

He has been an investor or manager of several high-growth start-ups. He is currently a board member of Ggtech.

Mobile World Capital Barcelona

Tomeu Sabater

With more than 17 years of experience in implementing new technologies under open innovation models, he has also participated in the 5G Barcelona and Àrees5G initiatives.


Silvia Martínez

She is a founding partner of the law firm LEXCREA, S.L.P., which specialises in advising start-ups, SMEs, investors, business angels and other venture capital entities.

Departament de la Vicepresidència

Xavier Flores

With more than 20 years of experience in digital transformation projects in companies as well as business and innovation consulting.

Àlex Rostoll

With more than 20 years of experience in innovation projects, based especially on mobile communications.


Ana Moliner

Ana Moliner

Té més de 15 anys d’experiència en consultoria tecnològica i en la definició, el desenvolupament i la gestió de projectes en empreses líders del nostre teixit empresarial.
Es especialista en consultoria de negoci i estratègia en l’àmbit de la transformació digital. Actualment, és la Directora de l’àrea de desenvolupament de negoci d’innovació per al sector privat a i2CAT, ajudant a les empreses (startups, pimes i multinacionals) a solucionar reptes tecnològics i a implementar casos d’ús innovadors.

Miquel Àngel Pérez

Miquel Àngel Pérez

For 15 years he has been working in the innovation sector, in various research centers and consultants, where he has advised governments, large companies, SMEs and startups on innovation management, technology marketing and disruptive business models. He is currently the Director of Knowledge and Technology Marketing at i2CAT, responsible for the business of technology transfer, spin-off creation and strategic projects.